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- cottonman - 08-02-2003

@ Reiki,
Yes, very multicultural.
Ive been to Brasil quite a few times. Actually all over latin-America.
Nowerdays, my travels mostly include only the US.
Im married to a Lady from Guatemala, where I live.
My doughter is a very interesting mixture of \"german sternness
and happy go lucky latin.
Wenn es fuer euch schon Morgen ist,
ist es fuer mich noch Heute...........

- Manny - 08-02-2003

alles klar - immer her damit....
Erbaarme... zu spät, die Hesse komme !

- cottonman - 08-02-2003

@ Reiki
Well, it was quite hectic there for a moment, wasnt it?
I found that one, when I was cleaning up my study. its from
1972 (Vietnam-war). just remembering 1972 makes me cough.
As I said, im getting too old.

Wenn es fuer euch schon Morgen ist,
ist es fuer mich noch Heute...........

- Reiki - 08-02-2003

cool, I love Brasil, its such a great country nearly as beautiful as Ghana :p :p :p , have you ever been to Africa???
Just for today do not worry,
just for today do not anger.
Honor your teachers, elders and parents.
Earn your living honestly.
Show gratitude to every living thing.
(Principles of Reiki)

- Reiki - 08-02-2003

just outta curiousity, where are u from????
Just for today do not worry,
just for today do not anger.
Honor your teachers, elders and parents.
Earn your living honestly.
Show gratitude to every living thing.
(Principles of Reiki)

- cottonman - 08-02-2003

Yes, I was in Burkina Faso just a couple of years ago, to look at some cotton. But I dindt see much, since I only stayed a few days. About 30 Years ago I was in Uganda for a few days.
Its a shame, that the both were business-trips. I would have
loved to stay longer.
As to Brasil: yes, it is one of the more beautifull places on this
earth. I especially love the people, their attitude of
\"the more misery, the merrier we get\"
I dont get to go there very often anymore, but once in a blue moon, I still get to go.
Wenn es fuer euch schon Morgen ist,
ist es fuer mich noch Heute...........

- cottonman - 08-02-2003

@ Reiki
I am from Bremen.
As is often said, the most beautiful part of Hamburg is
the Autobahn to Bremen.............
:dance1: :dance1:
Wenn es fuer euch schon Morgen ist,
ist es fuer mich noch Heute...........

- cottonman - 08-02-2003

I forgot:
I left Germany in 1973, and never looked back.
I do go back for a couple of weeks abt. every 2 Years, since my parents are still alive. As you know the moms, they want to see, that you havent gotten too skinny.

Wenn es fuer euch schon Morgen ist,
ist es fuer mich noch Heute...........

- Reiki - 08-02-2003

I know what you sayin man, my mums always wants some pictures of my while Im not in Ghana, shes always afraid that I wont get enough to eatI) I) I) I)
Just for today do not worry,
just for today do not anger.
Honor your teachers, elders and parents.
Earn your living honestly.
Show gratitude to every living thing.
(Principles of Reiki)

- cottonman - 08-02-2003

Yeah, the can be something.

ok, Ive got to go. Its been a pleasure chatting with you.
maybe we can do it again, sometime.

Wenn es fuer euch schon Morgen ist,
ist es fuer mich noch Heute...........

- Reiki - 08-02-2003

yeah, hope to cya soon

Just for today do not worry,
just for today do not anger.
Honor your teachers, elders and parents.
Earn your living honestly.
Show gratitude to every living thing.
(Principles of Reiki)

- Gregor - 08-02-2003

Also um die Sache mal klarzustellen Wink, wenn man davon ausgeht dass auf jeder Seite 15 Posts angezeigt werden, müsste auf der 67. Seite der 10. Beitrag der 1000. Post sein!?! soll heissen, Reiki hats heut um 20:01 Uhr geschafft... Congrats...

Und Triangel hat doch recht gehabt, ein \"Mädel\" hat gewonnen tststs :-D

Wer nach allen Seiten lächelt, hat zu guter Letzt nur noch Falten im Gesicht.

- Reiki - 08-02-2003

Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle Welle


Cya Reiki Cool
Just for today do not worry,
just for today do not anger.
Honor your teachers, elders and parents.
Earn your living honestly.
Show gratitude to every living thing.
(Principles of Reiki)

- AndyTheke - 09-02-2003


Ich war Musikmachen, und ihr habt mich echt rausgelassen....


Jetzt binnich beleidigt, und werde den 1111sten Post machen Ätsch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prost Bier

Ich verzeihe alles außer Fremdverschulden......
Und nicht vergessen: Forumtreffen 23. - 25.5.03 in Braunschweig

- cottonman - 09-02-2003

ich habe Charly noch vorgewarnt............................
Wollt die 1000 heute Nacht mit dir ausbaldovern.
Da kannst du nachlesen. Irgendwo in den letzten 100 Posts.
Da steht irgendwo, das du Nichtschlaefer bist, und wir das
alleine machen wuerden..............................
Aber du warst ja nicht da.............................

:dance1: :dance1: :dance1:
Wenn es fuer euch schon Morgen ist,
ist es fuer mich noch Heute...........